A New Beginning
/Today is the day. A new beginning. The real deal. I'm headed to southeast Asia on a one-way ticket.
My plan is to visit Hong Kong, Thailand, Myanmar, and Cambodia. But that's it. That's where the plan stops. I don't know what I'm going to see, where I'm going to stay, what I'm going to do, how I will get around, where I will go after that, or when exactly I will return to the United States.
Of course, I have a few general objectives. I want to volunteer. I want to sail. I want to use local transportation to get from point A to B. I want to take a path less traveled, and stay away from heavy tourist areas. I want to work on my photography skills. I want to improve this site.
I will continue to search www.helpx.net and www.findacrew.net to identify opportunities for volunteering or sailing. I also plan to loiter around marinas or beach areas in search of skippers needing crew or boats needing maintenance.
I have two small backpacks. One with clothes (about 5 outfits, a waterproof layer, and sleep sack), and one with electronics (computer, DSLR, GoPro, external hard drive, and a backup iPhone). Whatever I've forgotten, I will buy on the road. Whatever I have that I don't need, I will give away.
As I mentioned in my last post, Chile was familiar territory and a huge success as a trial run. Now, even though I have been to parts of Asia before, I really feel like I am venturing into the unknown...
Anything could happen. I could do anything. And that's an amazing feeling.
Traveling as light as possible for a trip of unknown length...